Top Exercises to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles located at the bottom of the pelvis that play a crucial role in supporting the pelvic organs, including the bladder, uterus, and rectum. Weakness in the pelvic floor muscles can lead to various issues like urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and sexual dysfunction. However, regular pelvic floor exercises can help strengthen these muscles and improve their function. In this article, we will explore some of the top exercises that can help you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles effectively.

Top Exercises to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor: – Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises are the most well-known and effective exercises for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. To perform Kegels, you need to contract and relax the muscles that control urination. Start by identifying the correct muscles by stopping the flow of urine midstream. Once you’ve identified the muscles, you can perform Kegels anywhere, anytime, by contracting the muscles for a few seconds and then releasing them. Aim for at least three sets of ten repetitions per day.


Top Exercises to Strengthen Your Pelvic Muscles: – Bridge Pose

The bridge pose is a yoga exercise that not only strengthens the glutes and core but also engages the pelvic floor muscles. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Slowly lift your hips off the ground, creating a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Hold this position for a few seconds, engaging your pelvic floor muscles, and then lower your hips back down. Repeat this exercise for several repetitions.


Top Exercises to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor: – Squats

Squats are a compound exercise that engages multiple muscle groups, including the pelvic floor muscles. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly lower your body as if sitting back into a chair. Keep your knees aligned with your toes and your back straight. Engage your pelvic floor muscles as you push back up to the starting position. Start with a few repetitions and gradually increase as your strength improves.


Top Exercises to Strengthen Your Pelvic Muscles: – Pilates

Pilates exercises are known for their focus on core strength, stability, and posture, making them excellent for pelvic floor strengthening. Moves like the pelvic curl, leg circles, and the hundred all engage the pelvic floor muscles. Consider taking a Pilates class or following an online tutorial to incorporate these exercises into your routine.


Top Exercises to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor: – Flutter Kicks

Flutter kicks target the lower abdominal muscles and engage the pelvic floor muscles. Lie on your back with your arms by your sides and legs extended. Lift both legs off the ground a few inches and then alternate lifting one leg higher than the other in a fluttering motion. Focus on engaging your pelvic floor muscles throughout the exercise. Start with a few repetitions and gradually increase as you get stronger.



Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles is essential for maintaining good bladder control, supporting pelvic organs, and enhancing sexual function. Incorporating exercises like Kegels, bridge pose, squats, Pilates, and flutter kicks into your fitness routine can help improve the strength and function of your pelvic floor muscles. Remember to start slowly, listen to your body, and gradually increase the intensity and duration of the exercises over time.


  1. Pelvic floor muscle training for urinary incontinence in women
  2. Pelvic floor muscle training for men
  3. Pelvic floor muscle training in women
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